Powerful deburring tools
Consumer electronics and computer and communications technology are among the booming markets of the future. This not only increases the
You do not want to miss any news and you’re looking for information on the topics of slag removal, pre-grinding & deburring, deburring & edge-rounding, oxide removal and finish-grinding. Here we keep the most important news and information ready for you.
Consumer electronics and computer and communications technology are among the booming markets of the future. This not only increases the
Deburring is an important step in metal processing. However, only a few have deep detailed knowledge in this special field.
If you want to reduce costs in production without sacrificing quality, you often have only one set screw: shorter setup
Strong edge rounding, long service lives, good performance Elements for interior fittings and air conditioners for railway technology, ceiling elements
Consumer electronics and computer and communications technology are among the booming markets of the future. This not only increases the
Deburring is an important step in metal processing. However, only a few have deep detailed knowledge in this special field.
If you want to reduce costs in production without sacrificing quality, you often have only one set screw: shorter setup
Strong edge rounding, long service lives, good performance Elements for interior fittings and air conditioners for railway technology, ceiling elements
De nieuwsbrief voor echte plaatbewerkers! Abonneer u op de gratis boeck-nieuwsbrief voor nieuws en kennis over plaatbewerkingsonderwerpen.
boeck GmbH – uw gereedschap voor plaatontbraamwerk! Wij produceren oplossingen voor gereedschappen op het gebied van blikontbraming voor uw processtappen van slakverwijdering, voorschuren, ontbramen, afronden, oxideverwijdering tot aan finish-schuren, MADE IN GERMANY!
boeck GmbH
Ludwigstraße 8
89340 Leipheim
Wanneer u voor BOOST kiest, wordt uw gereedschap uitgerust met Cubitron™ II-slijpmiddel. Deze keramische korrels zijn scherp, gelijkmatig en hebben de vorm van kleine driehoekjes. Dit resulteert in een hogere materiaalafname, een hogere voedingssnelheid en een hogere productiviteit.