You do not want to miss any news and you’re looking for information on the topics of slag removal, pre-grinding & deburring, deburring & edge-rounding, oxide removal and finish-grinding. Here we keep the most important news and information ready for you.

Powerful deburring tools

Consumer electronics and computer and communications technology are among the booming markets of the future. This not only increases the


Set up any tool faster!

If you want to reduce costs in production without sacrificing quality, you often have only one set screw: shorter setup


Powerful deburring tools

Consumer electronics and computer and communications technology are among the booming markets of the future. This not only increases the


Set up any tool faster!

If you want to reduce costs in production without sacrificing quality, you often have only one set screw: shorter setup

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Si vous optez pour BOOST, votre outil sera équipé de l’abrasif Cubitron™ II. Ces grains céramiques sont tranchants, réguliers et ont la forme de petits triangles. Il en résulte une meilleure capacité d’enlèvement de matière, une vitesse d’avance plus élevée et une productivité accrue.